We’ve got 5 perfect themes for your next kids party to help you focus on what is most important – the fun, of course!
1. Star Wars Themed Party
Just because George Lucas and Disney dropped a cool $300 million on the new Star Wars film doesn’t mean you need a galactic-sized budget for your kid’s birthday party! A few small tricks can go a long way to setting the atmosphere of the Star Wars themed party; hang some black table cloths on the walls, speckle them with a bit of white paint (get your kids to help if you want, there’s nothing they like better than making a mess!) and a room is transformed into a starry night in outer space. Balloons are also your friend here – with some artistic skill, a few balloons can become Death Stars or the planets of Alderaan and Tattooine, floating amongst the stars. You can even draw some detail on them to turn them into Stormtroopers or hovering droids, asking to be attacked with lightsabers.
Superheroes has Star Wars party bags complete with blow up light sabers to really get the party started!

2. Disco Themed Party
Disco might be dead for us grumpy grown-ups, but the groove lives on through our children who (until they re-watch the home videos you’ve made of them years later as teenagers) still are yet to acquire any reasonable sense of shame or embarrassment. There are few things kids love more than a good dance, and the best thing is, it’s super easy to decorate for a disco or rock star themed party!
Requirement #1: a clear dance floor.
Requirement #2: bright colours. This can be easily done with streamers or balloons.
Requirement #3: the irreplaceable disco ball, one of which can be acquired cheaply or simply borrowed from a friend (don’t act as if you don’t know full well that you’ve got one lurking in the garage from your glory days!)
Add some snazzy costumes, and some glowsticks, string up the decorations, hit the music, and let the Saturday night fever take hold!
P.S. don’t forget the camcorder or GoPro – those videos will be worth thier weight in gold once the kids are older!
3. Face Painting Princesses and Fairies
Now here’s a theme that’s as flexible as can be – what about a stunning princess or magical fairy? Maybe you’ve even got a budding make-up artist on your hands! Whatever the case, face painting is a brilliant and surprisingly creative way to entertain kids at a party.
We have some fantastic facepainters at Superheroes so send us an email and find out what we can do for you!

4. Ninja Themed Party
If your child is a secret Ninja Warrior, or if they’re dreaming of being the next Karate Kid – a ninja-themed party is sure to be an energetic, explosive event that the kids will remember for a long time. As is the trend dating back to the stoic samurai that first espoused the discipline, a ninja’s clothing is simple, unassuming, but elegant; and there’s no reason why your party decorations should be any different. A few expendable white bed sheets can be hung around a room and easily painted with Japanese script and oriental imagery to bring that feudal warrior vibe right into your home. Those same bedsheets can be torn up into small strips to make headbands; or slightly longer and coloured in black to reward some blackbelts. If you can get your hands on it, styrofoam packing can act as boards or blocks which the kids can obliterate with flying roundhouse kicks or vicious karate chops!
Superheroes has a stable of highly trained, stealthy and secretive Ninja masters. A Ninja party will involve all the guests, learning the right moves, and how to follow the way of the Ninja. Invisible, silent and deadly!
We also have great Ninja Party Bags which includes an inflatable sword and a ninja headband to tie in with the your ninja party theme.
5. Sports Themed Party
Of course, what could be more Australian than a good, old-fashioned, sports-themed party! If your kids are a bit older and starting to physically develop, then we’re willing to bet that those budding athletes would like nothing more than to charge around the local park like headless chooks whilst playing a variety of energetic and competitive games. Turn a birthday party into the Olympic Games; watch as they jostle and ruck, fighting either for individual glory or team victory – and all you need to do it are marker cones, some hessian sacks (for sack racing, of course!) a few bats and balls (or eggs and spoons) relevant to whatever sports they love and maybe some bibs or plain coloured t-shirts/hats to distinguish the teams. Go the extra mile and craft some shiny but delicious participation medals out of chocolate coins, but never forget: the birthday boy or girl should always be the star.
Watch our Sports Party clip to find out what we can do to take your sports party to the next level!

And there you have it! A few great yet simple themes you can use to give your child a party they’ll never forget. Have fun and get your child involved in the preparation to turn it into a rewarding family experience!
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